Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Can We Trust the Cops? New Account of Trayvon Martin?s Killing?

This time, though, the decision not to arrest Zimmerman was so hard to fathom that the version of events that has taken root is not the police?s or Zimmerman?s. It?s the Martin family?s version. Now it?s the cops? turn to grind their teeth, resort to leaks, and hope they can somehow turn the direction of the tsunami of news coverage. To do that, though, they?ll need more than unnamed witnesses. For once, it doesn?t even matter that the black teenager who was the victim here was suspended from school because traces of marijuana were found in his book bag, as his family confirmed Monday. The country has already fallen in love with Trayvon Martin. If the Sanford police want to convince us they did the right thing in letting his killer go, they?ll have to prove it. They?ll need a hearing in open court, not anonymous leaks.


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